Contact Ross Dickie 416-234-8816 Gentlemen’s Bridge is held each Tuesday at 2:00 pm using Trickster. If you are interested in being on the spare list please contact Ross.
Contact: Carol Slater Phone: 905-275-1756 Eight ladies meet on the first and third Thursday of each month from September to May to enjoy two tables of bridge, tasty desserts and treats, […]
Mixed Cribbage #1 (Pub Crib): Contact: Maureen Shaw Phone: 647-384-7725; Email: Our group meets year-round on the third Friday of each month at a pub; those who wish […]
Contact Ross Dickie 416-234-8816 Gentlemen’s Bridge is held each Tuesday at 2:00 pm using Trickster. If you are interested in being on the spare list please contact Ross.